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Change Your Mindset with Gratitude

By William-Antoine L., Grade 11
我想谈谈一个真正能引起我共鸣的话题:感恩. As we all know, 很容易陷入斯坦斯特德这种疯狂的生活, 但我想提醒大家不要忘记那些让它变得特别的小事情.  
I want to share a little story with you all. When I was five years old, I was diagnosed with a genetic disease called nephronophthisis, a disease that attacked both my kidneys and, in short, made them both stop working. 由于这个原因,我童年的大部分时间都在医院里,因为我需要透析. 我通过管子连接到我的心脏上. 
Thankfully, after some tests, we figured out that my dad could give me one of his kidneys, and without hesitation my dad stepped up. 从那以后,我一直过着健康的、几乎正常的生活. I do take medication every morning and every night, 我确实定期去医院看病,而且我在生活的某些方面确实有限制, but in the end, 我环顾四周,发现自己很幸运,因为有些人比我更艰难. 
这些生活中的挑战教会了我珍惜每一刻,因为你永远不知道它什么时候会溜走. In reflecting on my life, 有很多方面我真的很感激,我想和大家分享一些. 
  • Family  
  • My roommate/best buddy JC
  • Big Woods with the golf team 
  • 每天早上都有小流氓来敲我的门,求我把车打开 
  • Waking up in the morning 
For me, 承认我每天感激的事情给了我一个新的视角来看待我如何选择处理某些事情. 有些人决定过他们的生活,好像没有什么是奇迹, 而另一些人决定过他们的生活,好像一切都是奇迹. 知道这一点会让你意识到有些事情是理所当然的.
In fact, it can give you a positive mindset on life. 而不是以缺乏动力和消极的态度来处理某些情况, it can help you take new experiences with a positive mindset.  For example, for me, 当我一整天都没有备用的时候,我很累,没有动力, 这让我更容易度过那一天,因为我知道高尔夫练习在等着我. 

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